Bannock County Rodeo Association Handbook

Updated 2024


BCRA is a barrel racing and pole-bending association where members, board members and participants:

Promote a family-fun atmosphere,

Help each other grow,

Provide learning opportunities,

Share positivity and kindness,

Treat horses with integrity and compassion, and

Value safety as a top-priority.




For purposes of the Bannock County Rodeo Association Handbook, the following definitions apply:

Current Rider: the rider whose name is called by the announcer to enter the arena and begin his/her run.

Event: any type of BCRA event, including: races, time-onlies and barrel racing and pole bending competitions 

Member: a person or family who buys an annual membership to BCRA

Non-Member: a person or family who does not buy an annual membership to BCRA

Participant: a person, whether a member or non-member, who participates in a BCRA event.



All members, board members and participants, (parent/guardian if participant is a minor) are responsible for reading and abiding by the Bannock County Rodeo Association Handbook.

All members, board members and participants (parent/guardian if participant is a minor) must sign the hard copy of the Release of Liability and the Helmet Acknowledgment before competing at a BCRA event. the Release of Liability and the Helmet Acknowledgment must be renewed on an annual basis.


Board Members:

BCRA will have a Board consisting of volunteer Board Members.

Board Member positions will be:

determined by the Board, and

filled on an annual basis.

The Board will serve the membership and carry about BCRA Values and Missions.

Board responsibilities include establishing parameters and guidelines: 

for Board Members, Members and Participants,

BCRA operations, and

BCRA Rules & Guidelines.

The Board will carry out these responsibilities by majority vote of the Board.

Each Board Member will have one vote.


Membership & Annual Meeting


BCRA will host an annual membership meeting at a time, date and location to be determined by the Board.

To become a member of BCRA, BCRA memberships are available for purchase. 

Memberships can be purchased as an individual or as a family.

BCRA memberships are valid for one calendar year.

Members must abide by BCRA Rules & Guidelines.

Members are entitled to vote on voting matters, as determined by the Board.

Voting matters of the membership will be by majority.

Each individual member will have one vote; each family membership will have one vote per adult.

A participant must be a member of BCRA to qualify for awards.


A person who does not to purchase a BCRA membership is considered a non-member and must pay a non-member fee at every event.

Non-members must abide by BCRA Rules & Guidelines.

Non-members do not have the right to vote.

Non-members do not qualify for awards.


Members and non-members may ask questions, volunteer and submit concerns by contacting a Board Member. Board Member contact information can be found at

Members and non-members are encouraged to volunteer at races. 


Entries & Draws


To enter an event, a Participant must submit an entry fee to BCRA.

The amount of fees will be determined by the Board.

All entry fees paid, including non-member fees, are non-refundable if the participant:

Does not compete at an event,

Does not show up to an event,

Scratches from an event,

Misses time onlines at an event,

Does not inform the office of withdrawl from the event one (1) hour prior to the event beginning.


Draws are completed 10 (ten) minutes before a class begins.

Once the draw is completed, no refunds are allowed for any reason.


Participants may enter classes as follows:


Children ages 8 years and younger, as of January of the current year

No time split- fastest time wins


Minors ages 9 to 13 years, as of January of the current year.

Time Splits - Barrels 3D (1 second splits), Poles- 3D (1 second splits)

If rider has entered on mulitple horses, they must run in draw order as points are accumulated in this class.  Violation of this rule will result in a disqualification.


All ages.

Time Splits- Barrels (.5, .5, 1 second), Poles- 3D (1 second splits)

Carry overs

Pee Wees can carry over to the Youth.  

Youth can carry over to the Open. 

Carry over requests must be made before your run in the Pee Wee or Youth.

Time Only Rules

During Barrel Time Onlies ,riders:

Have a 60 second time limit.

Must maintain forward motion.

Must keep his/her horse in at least a trot.

During pole Time Onlies, riders:

Have a 90 second time limit.

Must maintain forward motion.

Must keep his/her horse in at least a trot.

Violation of Time Only rules:

A participant’s first violation of a time only rule will be a verbal warning by a Board Member.

A participant’s second violation of a time-only rule will be automatic forfeiture of the participant’s other time onlies at the same event, to as determined by a Board Member.

Missed Time Onlies:

If a participant enters a time only section and misses the time only slot in which the participant signed up, the participant may notify the office. The office will try to reschedule the participant’s time only, however rescheduling of time onlies is not guaranteed.

Missed time onlies, or time onlies that could not be rescheduled by the office, will not be refunded.

Event Rules

At all events, the following rules apply:

The current rider bears the responsibility of ensuring:

the alley is clear and ready,

the arena is clear and ready,

properties are set appropriately and satisfactorily.

When the current rider enters the arena, she/he accepts the arena and properties as is.  

The current rider has the right of way and other participants must yield to the current rider.

In the case of a timer malfunction, a participant will be offered a rerun, to occur in the draw as to be determined by the office.

The holding pen is for only for participants preparing to run. 

No horses are to be tied in the holding pen area.

No dogs are allowed at BCRA events at any time. 

In the warm-up area, participates must:

use caution,

be courteous, 

follow a horse with appropriate distance,

be accompanied by an adult, if a peewee.